Operation Baby Spaceship: The Days Leading Up to Transfer

As I write this, Transfer is two days away. By the time you are reading this, we will know whether or not the transfer was successful, and whether we will be announcing a pregnancy soon or not. I am protecting my heart and Malcolm and Brooklyn by delaying these posts and giving us all time to process.

Brooklyn’s med protocol included evening injections and she was an absolute champ by choosing to inject herself. That was something I needed Malcolm’s help with every time I had to do injections during our fertility journey. I was only able to start injecting myself when I started taking my weekly injections for my diabetes… And the only way I was able to psych myself into that is because the needle is smaller than the ones for IVF meds. But every evening Brooklyn chose to record a video at her injection time and share a bit about how the day was going and how she was feeling and I would sit down on the couch with Malcolm and we would both cheer her on. I wasn’t expecting that, but it became the highlight of my day and really helped me to feel connected to this stage of the journey. I even sent her a video on my injection day in solidarity.

As the cycle monitoring and medications drew on over more than a week, we hit another little bump where it appeared that Brooklyn’s lining had decreased in thickness. Outwardly I tried to maintain my confidence that this was all going to work out. Inwardly, I was preparing myself for the clinic to say we needed to scrap the cycle. The next few days, though, brought better news with good estrogen levels and thicker lining! And then we got our transfer window. Last Thursday it sounded like Brooklyn would be triggering on Friday or Saturday and the transfer would be a week after that but then, on Friday the transfer window changed, and depending on Brooklyn’s blood work on Saturday, transfer would be either Thursday or Saturday… So on Saturday, we got our transfer date! And it was sooner than I was expecting! Transfer is Thursday, February 29th! That’s a pretty fantastic day for a transfer, a leap-day has to carry some special energy, right?

We had five days to get things sorted. Malcolm had already figured out possible hotels and trains and he booked everything and booked time off work. We confirmed the plan with Brooklyn, and tomorrow she will be taking a train to Toronto, where she’ll transfer to another train we’ll pick her up at the station and we’ll all drive together to Ottawa. We’ll sleep in separate rooms in the same hotel tomorrow night, then go to the clinic for the transfer on Thursday, then sleep at the hotel again that night then back to the train station where she will take a train to Toronto, then transfer to another train and then she’ll be home with her hubby and kids, and we’ll all be in the two week wait.

It’s hard to believe that we’re here. It’s hard to believe that in a couple days Brooklyn will be PUPO (pregnant until proven otherwise) and our maybe baby will be given a chance at life! Whether that life is a few days or many years, I know with all of my heart that it will be a life filled with love.

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